Wednesday, June 25, 2014

The MRA Nightmare

There are few things I hate more than Men's Rights Activists. I know that hate is a strong word, which is why I'm using it here. The Southern Poverty Law Center classifies them as a hate group, and rightly so. I fucking hate reading their bullshit comments on every pro-woman post across the web. And by fucking hate I mean FUCKING HATE. They are no different than White supremacists except in the target of their hate. Their comments legitimately make me sick to my stomach and make me question my existence in this society. I don't know whether to scream with anger or sob with despair. I can only hope society will continue along its current trajectory and will finally recognize the (sometimes insidious) power of these "activists" and the horrific consequences of their rhetoric (e.g., the shootings in Isla Vista).

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